slmt dtg..hehehe..
so this is my 1st post for this february..arini bosan plak..streamyx plak bt hal lg..slow bgt! tp ape kn daya..cube being positive jela yg bnde ni only takes a few hours..nti ok la tu..*kot*
ok gak slow,dr tak dpt connect lgsung mcm bln2 lepas..haaissh..panaz jek..nsib bek ade astro..huhu
well..kje FYP pon blom siap2 lg ni..fuh~ dasyat tol..ape nk jadi..ish3x
dok umh famili mmg ssh nk focus bt kje ni..biase la, lebeh suke spend time dgn org2 tersyg kn..heehee..
skg ni dok lyn lgu kt dlm laptop..byk gile tp cume pick only from those folders created 4 months lps smpi skg..
ok..this time i'm gonna write what i recently thought of..ssbnrye dh byk kali gak pkir bnde ni..why? sbb pelik la manusia ni..i know ramai gak yg jenis mcm pon bukan nyer perfect gak..even i got lots of flaws..smede perasan atau tak..cume sy nk tekankn dan ingtkn kpd dri sndri dan juge kwn2 lain tentang "pekara berbangkit" ini(eceh..mcm dlm parlimen plaks..kikiki)
so, tajuk yg jd pilihan kali ni ialah :- Why Do People Judge Others From Their Outer Appearance??
msti ramai yg golongan2 yg tpkir gak bnde ni..lebey2 lg bile ade yg tak puas hati knp org yg cantik,handsome or comel ke ape ke..dpt tmpt di hati rmai org pd pndgan pertama,kedua,ketiga etc..ape2 jela..pstuh trus bt andaian.."ish,si mamat ni handsome la..msti peribadi die baik,pndai,etc.."[ tak pndai la bt dialog2 ni..wakaka..] lebih kurang mcm ni la ayat2 yg slalu dpikirkn oleh golongan yg suke pndg mereka yg cantik dan meletakkn mereka yg cantik ni di tmpt yg tinggi dr mereka yg berupa biase je..contohnye dlm gmbr dlm gmbr ni dr segi pemakaian pakaian,ni persepsi org..adekah appearance dpt mgambarkn sbnyak mna,brp byk influece dan sehebat mana skills2 yg dimiliki org yg pkai office attire with casual or a bit selekeh?..kiki..mcm lawak je gmbr ni..
It is a prejudice mcm kt india(example), often when a boy looks for a girl, he looks for someone who is fair. If she is dark, he will reject her, even if she is smart and has a good nature..thats why,org india klu tak lawa ssh benor nk dpt jodoh..kesian kn..hmm..
tp ade gak jadi kt mne2 sje..where in selecting a marriage partner, instead of looking at the boy's or the girl's character, people in generally go by their looks, education, or money. All these things are considered judging from outside appearance only..tak adil betol..tapi~ in such relations you don't know whether your nature will match or not. There will be conflicts and friction with each other..bile ade yg tak puas hati antara psgn tu..abis..cerai berai..thats why some celebrity marriages did not work out..tula..nk yg cantik/handsome yg lain2,yg baik peribadi,budi bahasa dll.. dh tak pndg dah..sbb dh biase tgk yg cantik/handsome jek kn,pstu kenal pon antra gologan2 tu gak..sbb popular, rmai peminat..
Beauty and physical pleasures are related. Man is misguided and thinks that the major purpose of human life and the body is lust and greed. For lust atau nafsu, people go after their looks. for me that is nothing but ignorance..sgt2 "supid".. Bodies are not for lust. Even animals don't look at bodies for lust..
hmm..mmg it is unfortunate that we judge others by their outer looks only..yela,sbb tak adil kn..mmg sdap mata klu dh msuk bab2 yg bleh libat org lain mmg ssh la kn... People are prejudiced against color, family and poverty. We must learn to look at a person, not by appearance or how much wealth they have, but by their character. Outer appearances are not going to make you happy. Outer appearances have very little importance in life..fhm? ingt taw..
tapi mmg btol that it is not easy to go into the heart of the person dan btol2 nk kenal die..tu kne pndai2 la bkwn..kenal dri kwn tu dr persepsimu sndri,jgn pcaya gak kate2 org len ttg dri die..tu mgkn citer tak btol..tak rugi kn klu kwn dgn rmai2 you have to know the person for a long time..peribadi, habits, and beliefs are very important. That's why you should take the time and trouble to find the right friends. Don't go only by popularity, looks, or wealth, because they may not last and may mislead you. Look at a person's background, culture, and dependability...
Just ingt..yg cantik tak smestinyer di luaran saja..cantik didalam lebih penting..tapi klu nk yg perfect..hmm..mmg ssh la..sbrnye takde manusia yg perfect kecuali Rasulullah SAW..ciptaan Allah smua cantik..mybe rupe luaran tak sberapa bagi sesorg tak tak pndai menilai ciptaan Tuhan yg Maha Adil ni..mybe manusia tu sgt2 cantik dr dlm dri die..or mybe die dpt tmpt yg lbih tinggi di sisi Allah berbanding org yg judgemental ni atau org2 lain..just be careful in memilih mnusia utk dijdikn teman dan kwn..manusia ni bermcm2 jenis..serious~
huih..mengantoks plak..namou tulis byk2..ilmu still kurang lg..share2 la ye klu ade pndapat ke..ape2 jela..
sy pon dh mamai ni..
assalamualaikum liya..
wah2...dasat2 ur opinion lor liya cumel ku nih...betui laa aper yg liya share pendapat tuh..orang kat luar sana lebeh pentingkan appearance dr dalaman seseorang...pok jew pale sorang2 tuh..diorg igt diorg bgs sangat kan..hekhek!!
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