Ingredients ...
Forgiveness- Use generously as you can
never add too much of this to a relationship.
Respect - this ingredient is at its' best
when it works both ways.
Inspiration - this will cause your friendship
to rise above the rest, as it tends to lift
their spirits. (We all need a little of this in
our lives. When it's given by a friend it's even
more appreciated.)
Encouragement - something we could all use a
heaping portion of and is very easily digested!!
Never-ending love - this ingredient is one of
the most important ones of all yet the most
available and easiest to add.
Determination - this is one of the final ingredients
and may be just a little harder to come by at
times but when blended together with the rest
you have a no-fail recipe.
Sprinkle generously with patience, kindness, and
understanding and a dash of humor.
Servings: Many!!!
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